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This is from gnu.org.

Functions for File Names

$(dir names…)

Extracts the directory-part of each file name in names.

$(dir src/foo.c hacks)

result : ‘src/ ./’

$(notdir names…)

Extracts all but the directory-part of each file name in names.

$(notdir src/foo.c hacks)

result : ‘foo.c hacks’

$(suffix names…)

Extracts the suffix of each file name in names.

$(suffix src/foo.c src-1.0/bar.c hacks)

result : ‘.c .c’.

$(basename names…)

Extracts all but the suffix of each file name in names,

$(basename src/foo.c src-1.0/bar hacks)

result : ‘src/foo src-1.0/bar hacks)

$(addsuffix suffix, names…)

The argument names is regarded as a series of names, separated by whitespace;

$(addsuffix .c, foo bor)

result : ‘foo.c bar.c’.

$(addprefix prefix, names…)

The argument naems is regarded as a series of names, separated by whitespace;

$(addprefix src/, foo bar)

result : ‘src/foo src/bar’

$(join list, list2)

Concatenates the two arguments word by word: the two first words (one from each argument)

concatednated form the first word of the result, the two seconde words from the second word of the result, and so on.

$(join a b,.c .o)

result : ‘a.c b.o’

$(wildcard pattern

The argument pattern is a file name pattern, typically containing wildcard characters (as in shell file name patterns).

example 1

clean :
	rm -f *.o

example 2

print: *.c
	lpr -p $?
	touch print

example 3

objects = *.o

objects contains ‘.o’ not all object files.

example 4

objects := $(wildcard *.o)

objects contains all object files.

$(realpath names…)

For each file name in names return the canonical absolute name. A canonical name does not contain any

. or .. components, nor any repeated path separators (/) or symlinks.

$(abspath names…)

For each file name in names return an absoulte name that does not contain any . or .. components, nor

any repeated path separators (/).

